Join the movement

We encourage you to join us as we launch a nationwide drive.
Yes, this too goes a long way towards Making India Heartstrong.

Why is it important?
  • Sudden Cardiac Arrest could happen anytime, anywhere
  • Knowing CPR makes you better prepared to handle the situation
  • You could respond with immediate and practical assistance
  • It could be of more reassurance and help for your friends and family too
  • It makes you a responsible and responsive citizen, a Heartstrong Hero
How can you participate?
  • Start by taking the online course
  • Complete all 3 modules and earn badges
Interested hands on CPR training
  • Leave your contact details with us
  • We will alert you when our next CPR camp takes place
  • Get hands-on training in CPR to be a Heartstrong Hero
Leave your contact details
CPR – Blogs
“Should I know of any differences in how CPR is administered to women?”
As a responsible person, you may know that Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a life-saving technique crucial during cardiac emergencies. But are there differences in the...
“The Science Behind Effective CPR: Understanding Cardiac Physiology”
In moments of cardiac emergencies, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) stands as a critical intervention. This technique is usually best performed by trained CPR givers (whom we...
“CPR in the Digital Age: How Technology Is Enhancing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation”
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, commonly known as CPR, is a life-saving technique that has stood as a critical component in emergency response for decades. CPR uses chest...
“CPR in the Workplace: Creating a Heart-Safe Office Environment”
Every year, several cardiac arrests occur in workplaces around the world. Often, the immediate reaction of those nearby becomes crucial to survival. Yet, despite its...
“When Not to Administer CPR: Medical Judgment Must Always Guide Heartstrong Heroes”
  In a moment of heart emergency, when a life hangs in the balance, heroes emerge. These are the individuals who fearlessly rush in to...
“Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack: Heartstrong Heroes Must Know The Difference”
  In the world of heart health, two terms are often confused with each other: cardiac arrest and heart attack. While these terms are often...