
Making India
Heart Strong
Media Archive

Press Release

Publication: Pioneer

Edition: Vijaywada

Heart Attack Risk Despite Low Cholesterol: Experts
India has witnessed a sharp rise in heart diseases in the past 25 years. In…
Date : 23rd March 2021

Publication: Business World

Edition: Mumbai

Study on preventive cardiac care awareness and lifestyle habits titled ‘Making India Heartstrong’
‘Making India Heartstrong Survey’ tries to analyse the risk assessment awareness in metro cities versus…
Date : 02nd December 2020

Publication: DNA

Edition: Mumbai

Lifestyle Myth Burst: Two-third of Indians are either diabetic or pre-diabetic
38% Indians believe they are healthy but in reality, they are suffering from diabetes. Another…
Date : 30th November 2020

Publication: Saamana

Edition: Mumbai

38% of respondents are at increased risk of high BMI without knowing or realizing it.
On BMI base, only 26 percent are normal, 29 percent are overweight and 19 percent…
Date : 28th November 2020

Publication: Navbharat

Edition: Mumbai

People are not serious about health
The study titled, ‘Making India Heartstrong Survey’, is a two-part study comprising questionnaire-based interviews and…
Date : 23rd November 2020

Publication: Afternoon

Edition: Mumbai

Study says two-third of Indians who believe they are healthy are either diabetics or pre-diabetics
The risks of heart diseases and diabetes have increased across different age groups of India.…
Date : 23rd November 2020

Publication: Punya Nagri

Edition: Mumbai

People considering themselves healthy turned out to be diabetic or pre diabetic – says survey
38 percent of Indians who believe they are healthy have been found suffering from diabetes,…
Date : 21st November 2020

Publication: Times Of India

Edition: Hyderabad

Most Indians unaware of link between diabetes and obesity, finds survey
38% of Indians believe they are healthy but in reality, they are suffering from diabetes.…
Date : 20th November 2020

Publication: Dinakural

Edition: Madurai

Two third of Indians who believe they are healthy are either diabetics or pre-diebetics says Study
The study titled, ‘Making India Heartstrong Survey’, is a two-part study comprising questionnaire-based interviews and…
Date : 19th November 2020

Publication: Trinity Mirror

Edition: Vijaywada

New study finds an alarming rise in pre-diabetes
A study conducted by Neuberg Diagnostics indicated that across all age groups, 24 of the…
Date : 16th November 2020

Publication: The Hans India

Edition: Vijayawada

Vijayawada beats Mumbai in diabetes awareness
‘Making India Heartstrong Survey’ tries to analyse the risk assessment awareness in metro cities versus…
Date : 14th November 2020

Publication: Surya

Edition: Hyderabad

Study says two third of Indians who believe they are healthy are either diabetics or pre-diebetics
It is unfortunate that in a country where diabetes is on the verge of becoming…
Date : 14th November 2020

Publication: Andhra Prabha

Edition: Vijaywada

Good Habits brings changes in your Heart Condition
Sudden Cardiac Arrest is a condition where heart suddenly stops, and the person collapses and…
Date : 20th August 2020

Publication: Manam

Edition: Hyderabad

Cardiac arrest can strike despite low cholesterol
According to latest studies about half of all heart attacks occur in people with “normal”…
Date : 11th August 2020

Publication: Punya Nagri

Edition: Mumbai

Heart attack can strike despite low cholesterol
In the past 25 years, the number of heart attack incidents have significantly increased in…
Date : 09th August 2020

Publication: Punya Nagri

Edition: Mumbai

Low cholesterol cause heart attack
According to latest studies about half of all heart attacks occur in people with “normal”…
Date : 09th August 2020

Publication: Navabharat

Edition: Mumbai

Healty diet controls High Blood Pressure – Tips from Dr. Usha Sisodia
People with diabetes tend to develop heart disease at a younger age than people without…
Date : 09th August 2020

Publication: New India Express

Edition: National

Wellness in time of climate change
Experts and WHO suggest that climate change has caused some critical health problems. Drastic changes…
Date : 16th February 2020

Publication: Citizen's English Daily

Edition: Hyderabad

Heart disease hits busy working women the hardest
Modern women, who are always juggling their professional and domestic responsibilities often overlook their own…
Date : 12th February 2020

Publication: Daily Pioneer

Edition: Vijaywada

Modern women prone to heart attacks
Women, especially working moms are often too busy to take care of their health and…
Date : 01st February 2020

Publication: Daily Pioneer

Edition: Maharashtra

Effects of climate change on human health and its serious concern
For modern women, the task of juggling their professional and family responsibilities has never been…
Date : 01st February 2020

Publication: DinaKural

Edition: Vijaywada

Heart disease hits busy working women the hardest
Heart attack causes nearly 1 in 3 deaths in women. In fact, heart attack is…
Date : 19th January 2020

Publication: Southern Mail Daily

Edition: Coimbatore

Control your risk factors to stay heart-strong
Modern women often neglect their well-being while juggling professional and personal responsibilities. Their negligence often…
Date : 15th January 2020

Publication: Tamilaka News

Edition: Coimbatore

Heart disease hits busy working women the hardest, Control your risk factors to stay heartstrong
In women, lack of awareness most likely results in ignoring the heart disease symptoms. In…
Date : 15th January 2020

Publication: HT Health Shots

Edition: Online

Heart disease hits busy working women the hardest. Control risk factors to stay heart-healthy
For busy working women, it becomes very important to make simple adjustments to their lifestyle…
Date : 11th January 2020

Publication: News Today

Edition: Chennai

City medicos say heart disease hits busy women the hardest
More often than not, working women are too busy to take care of their health.…
Date : 11th January 2020

Publication: Daily thanthi DTNext

Edition: Chennai

Heart attack occurs despite controlled blood sugar
Diabetes continues to grow throughout the world. India also witnesses an alarming surge in the…
Date : 03rd December 2019

Publication: Aandhra Prabha

Edition: Hyderabad

Control your risk factors to stay heartstrong
Heart disease symptoms go unrecognized in majority of women- In women, lack of awareness most…
Date : 19th November 2019

Electronic Coverage

  • Publication : Trade News Network

    Edition: | Date : 09th December 2021

    World Heart Day: Have A Heart? Don’t Let It Go

    We are living in times where cardiac issues and incidents have very sadly started to be viewed as normal. The worst part of it is the reducing age of the Cardiac patients and victims.

  • Publication : Hindustan Times (Health shots)

    Edition: | Date : 24th March 2021

    Heart disease hits busy working women the hardest. Control your risk factors to stay heart-healthy

    It’s time to tweak your lifestyle habits to ensure a sound heart health. Eliminate these risk factors for heart disease by following these expert tips.

  • Publication :

    Edition: | Date : 29th September 2020

    Experts says, smokers face two to four-fold higher risk of heart disease compared to non-smokers, especially in the current pandemic situation

    Most Indians start smoking early, increasing the risk of heart disease at a young age.Daily cigarette smoking in India is about 6% and prevalence of smoking increases with age.

  • Publication : Maharashtra Times

    Edition: Mumbai | Date : 29th September 2020

    Take care of the heart during infection!

    Corona infections also kill six to ten percent of patients with heart disease, while the risk of heart disease increases due to the adverse effects of changing lifestyles…

  • Publication :

    Edition: | Date : 28th September 2020

    World Heart Day: This is how to take care of your heart during COVID-19

    Heart disease has emerged as the deadliest killer in both Indian males and females. In India, nearly 52% of heart disease-related deaths occur in people below the age of 70 years.

  • Publication : Trade News Network

    Edition: | Date : 21st September 2020

    Smokers face two to four-fold higher risk of heart disease compared to non-smokers

    Modern India is facing the rising burden of heart diseases – No other disease kills more Indians than cardiac ailments. Heart disease has emerged as the deadliest killer in both Indian males and females.

  • Publication : The Hindu

    Edition: Andhra Pradesh | Date : 16th September 2020

    Smokers at higher risk of heart diseases, warn experts

    With increasing incidence of heart ailments, doctors and experts say that it is high time smokers quit the habit as they face two-to-four fold higher risk of…

  • Publication : Times Of India

    Edition: Visakhapatnam | Date : 03rd September 2020

    Low cholesterol also poses health risks

    VISAKHAPATNAM: Increasing sedentary lifestyles and restricted movement since the Covid-19 outbreak began has turned the focus on lifestyle diseases, as the pandemic and restrictions imposed to combat it stretch into months.

  • Publication : Business World

    Edition: | Date : 21st August 2020

    Know The Risk Of Heart Attack Before It’s Too Late

    This burgeoning burden is surging unabated in India and can be explained by the increased prevalence of coronary risk factors such as elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the bad cholesterol

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