
Vijayawada beats Mumbai in diabetes awareness

Publication: The Hans India

Edition: Vijayawada | Date : November 14, 2020

‘Making India Heartstrong Survey’ tries to analyse the risk assessment awareness in metro cities versus tier 1 cities or tier 2 cities. It is a two-part survey that attempts to understand the people’s perception towards their heart health versus the actual number of people who are at the risk of heart diseases.
600 responses were recorded from 6 cities across 4 states- Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
38% Indians who believe they are healthy were found to be suffering from diabetes. Another 28% of healthy individuals were also diagnosed to be pre-diabetic.
Hence, two-third of the test subjects were found to be vulnerable to diabetes and CVD risks.
Surprisingly, even after being a top metro city, Mumbai ranks the lowest in awareness towards diabetes and heart diseases. Hyderabad and Vijaywada were ranked amongst the most aware ones.
Only 19% Indians know that the hardening of arteries falls under the umbrella of heart diseases. Unhealthy lifestyle in the younger population has increased the risk factors of this condition.
Research studies show that coronary stenosis, which is associated with hardening of arteries, affects nearly 30% of the population. That’s why it’s important to implement lifestyle modification to reduce our risks.
People with diabetes have a two to four times increased risk of coronary arterial disease.
People must understand that diabetes has no cure but it can be managed with an active lifestyle and healthy dietary habits.

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