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Cardiovascular Diseases in India: A Growing Concern

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have emerged as a leading cause of death in India, posing a significant public health challenge. Several factors contribute to this high prevalence, including early onset risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and obesity. Additionally, a sedentary lifestyle and the typical Asian phenotype play crucial roles in this alarming trend. Notably, Indians are experiencing cardiovascular diseases almost a decade earlier than their Western counterparts, often resulting in high morbidity and mortality rates.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest:
An Alarming Trend Amongst the Youth

Recent times have witnessed a concerning rise in Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) cases among Indians, particularly affecting the younger population. Shockingly, only 2% of the general population is aware of the clear and present danger posed by SCD. Some limited awareness has been raised due to media reports of famous personalities falling victim to SCD.

Preventing Cardiac Arrest Mortality: The Role of CPR

A significant portion of cardiac arrest-related mortality can be prevented through increased awareness and education regarding cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). CPR is a life-saving first aid technique that can be administered when someone experiences sudden cardiac arrest. Timely application of CPR can save up to 40% of lives in such critical situations.

The CALS Initiative: Spreading Awareness and Saving Lives

The Cardiological Society of India, in collaboration with SATS Academy (Society for Emergency Medicine in India), has launched the CPR as a Life Skill Initiative (CALS) to address the issue of SCD and promote basic CPR techniques. This initiative is further supported by Making India HeartStrong. CALS aims to provide comprehensive awareness about CPR, emphasizing the correct steps and techniques required to understand and perform CPR effectively, ultimately saving lives.

Learning CPR: Across Three Levels of Progression

CALS offers three levels of CPR learning, each tailored to cover specific topics, ranging from basic to advanced CPR techniques. Upon completion of each level, participants are awarded badges to signify their enhanced awareness of CPR.

Aiming to Reach Millions: A Nationwide Initiative

The primary objective of CALS is to train and raise awareness about CPR among more than 10 million Indians within the next year. This will be accomplished through a combination of physical training sessions and digital platforms, ensuring that individuals across the nation are equipped with life-saving CPR skills.

CPR – Blogs
“When Not to Administer CPR: Medical Judgment Must Always Guide Heartstrong Heroes”
In a moment of heart emergency, when a life hangs in the balance, heroes emerge. These are the individuals who fearlessly rush in to save...
“Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack: Heartstrong Heroes Must Know The Difference”
In the world of heart health, two terms are often confused with each other: cardiac arrest and heart attack. While these terms are often used...
“The Good Samaritan Law For CPR: How It Helps Heartstrong Heroes”
We are all aware that medical emergencies – notably cardiac arrests – can strike without warning in our fast-paced world. When someone’s life is on...
“CPR Myths vs Facts: Know The Difference To Be A Heartstrong Hero”
Heart-related emergencies can happen at any time. During such moments, you must be ready to act to help those in distress. To be able to...
“Step-By-Step Guide: How To Become A Dependable Heartstrong Hero”
Heart attack emergencies are unpredictable. They can happen to people at a family gathering, in the middle of a bustling park, or while they are...
“From Fear To Action: Turning Citizens Into Heartstrong Heroes”
In the crucial moments when a heart falters, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is often the bridge between life and an unspeakable loss. Its simplicity belies...